

Enrollment is four times a year in April, July, October, and January.

University Preparatory Course

For those who wish to enter a Japanese university or graduate school

  • April enrollment: 2-year course
  • July enrollment: 1 year 9-months course
  • October enrollment: 1 year 6-months course
  • January enrollment: 1 year 3-month course

General Course

For those who wish to deepen their understanding of Japanese society

  • October enrollment: 2-year course
Class Hours
Morning / 8:50 - 12:15,
Afternoon / 13:00 - 16:25
45-minute credit hours *4 classes
Capacity of each class
1 class: 20 students

Tuition Fees

  • *Tuition for the first year must be paid within the period specified by the school after the Certificate of Eligibility is issued.
  • *The payment for the second year should be made approximately 4 months prior to the start of the second year.

Part-time Job Opportunities for Students

Students must obtain permission from the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau in order to work part-time while enrolled at the school under "student visa".
As a general rule, students are allowed to work up to 28 hours per week (up to 8 hours per day during long vacations).

Application Qualifications

1. Currently enrolled in college or have a college degree or higher
2. Currently enrolled in high school or have at least a high school diploma

To enroll, click here.

Our staff in charge in each country will provide detailed support tailored to each individual's needs. Please feel free to contact us at any time with any questions you may have not only about learning Japanese, but also about your daily life.
Let's take a new step forward at Fuji International Language Institute.

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